Caregiving Challenges, Who Pays for Long-Term Care?

Most long-term care is paid for by your loved one or you, though there are other sources of coverage to know about.

Long-Term Care Coverage

Helpful Highlights

  • Long-term care comprises home care, home health care, and nursing home care. If you are caregiving for a loved one, you are already providing long-term care (albeit unpaid).

  • There are many payor sources for your loved one's long-term care, and they may have more than one. Each is discussed below.

  • Medicare does not pay for long-term care.

  • The least understood and underutilized of the payor sources is long-term care insurance or LTCI (not discussed here, see What to Do with Long-Term Care Insurance).

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Helpful app simplifies family caregiving by combining your loved one’s insurance benefits and medical records into one user-friendly platform while enhancing your caregiving skills


"When many families begin their caregiving journeys, they are unaware that Medicare does not pay for LTSS and that Medicaid—an important safety net program—only covers the cost of healthcare and LTSS when older adults have exhausted their resources. Relatively few people have private long-term-care insurance, or have a clear understanding of the potential costs of LTSS."

In addition to personal finances, other sources of long-term care coverage include Medicare Advantage, Medicaid (Medical Assistance), Veterans Administration (VA), and private/commercial insurance.

Services defined as "long-term care"

Nursing Home Care

Home Health Care

Personal Care 


Eisenberg, R. (2016, May 10). Americans' estimates of long-term care costs are wildly off. Forbes. Link

Feinberg, L.F., & Spillman, B.C. (2019). Shifts in family caregiving--And a grown care gap. Generations, 43(1), 73-77. Link

Gordon, D. (2022, August 02). Most Americans are unprepared for long-term care costs, new research shows. Forbes. Link

No content in this app, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

Likewise, no content in this app, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct advice from a licensed insurance broker or other qualified plan-payer professional.

About us

Helpful is an app to make caregiving easier. We integrate your loved one’s insurance benefits, medical records and caregiving guides into an immediate, accessible and user-friendly experience. Helpful supports your care needs by eliminating administrative tasks and providing technology to support your caregiving experience.
