Caregiving Challenges, Chronic Disease Diagnosis

The best first step to help your loved one manage their chronic disease is understanding the disease and its progression.

Chronic Disease Diagnosis

Helpful Highlights

  • Understanding your loved one's diagnosis and prognosis is the best way to help you determine how to help them and when.

  • Develop a relationship with your loved one's medical provider(s).

  • By carefully reviewing the treatment plan step-by-step with your loved one, it will help you both stay on track.

  • Don't rely on the Internet for information, talk with a healthcare professional.

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Helpful app simplifies family caregiving by combining your loved one’s insurance benefits and medical records into one user-friendly platform while enhancing your caregiving skills


Diagnosis - The process of identifying a disease, condition, or injury from its signs and symptoms, and once identified, giving it a name.

Prognosis - The likely or predicted course of a disease or ailment, as well as the treatment and results.

If your loved one is diagnosed with a chronic illness, such as diabetes, lung disease, or heart disease, there is a lot you can do to help them manage their health and wellness, and maintain independence.  Diagnosis is an opportune time to become more aware and to get more involved.  Your involvement and support may reduce flare-ups, decrease risks and complications, and delay the advancement of the disease.  As a result, you can help your loved one keep a positive attitude and maintain their independence longer.

First, it is important to assure your loved one they are not now a burden to you (or even themselves!) because of their chronic condition, and it's emphasized that you want to help them stay independent as long as possible. Your loved one must know that you are there for them and that you want to do the best you can to help them remain independent.

The best first step to helping your loved one is to learn about the diagnosed disease and its progression (prognosis). Knowing the cause of the disease, as well as what can make it worse and what can make it better, will be extremely helpful when it comes to managing disease symptoms. Likewise, understanding how the disease progresses, what it continues to do to the body, and the signs that it is getting worse or your loved one is experiencing a flare-up (clinically called an exacerbation), will help you know what to anticipate and expect so you can better manage any situations before they become crises.

Educating yourself on diagnosis and prognosis

So, how do you approach becoming knowledgeable about your loved one's condition? First, go with your loved one to their provider appointments. This is how you, yourself, start to learn. Additionally, the diagnosis and all associated information may overwhelm your loved one and they may not remember everything that was said - especially instructions. Not only is your support invaluable to your loved one, but it is also invaluable to their provider.

Break it down for your loved one

Once home, discuss each step of the treatment plan with your loved one. Discuss each step separately so it does not overwhelm or confuse them. Confirm their understanding of each step by having them repeat it back to you or give you examples.

The diagnosis. Your loved one may not understand what the health care provider said, or they may not realize the ramifications of this disease.

The prognosis. Beyond their diagnosis, your loved one may not understand the course of their illness and what they can do to intervene in its progression.

The treatment plan. The plan could include several interventions and goals, such as a diet change, additional medications, smoking cessation, a rehabilitation or exercise program, and others.


Lifestyle changes

Monitoring products

The Internet can help... And hinder

The Internet is a powerful tool and can deliver loads of information in an instant. When it comes to using the Internet to learn about your loved one's condition, it can certainly help you but it can most certainly also hurt you. Foremost because the overwhelming amount of information can be confusing, and in many cases, seemingly contradictory - especially if accidentally taken out of context. Likewise, a lot of information on the Internet can be outdated.

This is why you should START by talking to your loved one's provider. Gain knowledge so you aren't randomly searching terms. You can even ask the provider for specific words and phrases you should search for, get recommendations for sites the provider trusts, as well as how to sort out bad information and what to further discuss with a healthcare professional.

No content in this app, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

About us

Helpful is an app to make caregiving easier. We integrate your loved one’s insurance benefits, medical records and caregiving guides into an immediate, accessible and user-friendly experience. Helpful supports your care needs by eliminating administrative tasks and providing technology to support your caregiving experience.
