Diabetes, Questions for the Provider

Diabetes is a chronic conditions that affects everything in the body. Use this list of questions to make the most of your loved one's appointments.

Diabetes Questions for the Provider

Helpful Highlights

  • Write down questions a few days in advance to make sure all concerns are included.

  • Do not limit yourself to these questions; ask others as you think of them.

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If your loved one has been diagnosed with diabetes, you both will likely have a lot of questions. Your first resource should be the healthcare team, as they can help navigate any confusion or uncertainty. Asking the most relevant questions will help you know what to anticipate and how to take action.

Use this list to help prepare questions for the provider ahead of time. This will help you make the most of your loved one's next appointment.


What are the signs that blood sugar is too high?

What are the signs that blood sugar is too low?

What complications can result from blood sugar that is too high or too low?

When do we call the provider?

When do we call an ambulance?


How does sugar affect my loved one? How much sugar can they have?

How do carbs affect my loved one? What is their daily carb limit?

What foods increase blood sugar the most?

How does water affect blood sugar? How much water should they drink daily?

Can my loved one have alcohol?

What are the best evening snacks?

What is the best rescue food for low blood sugar?

What foods help with weight loss goals?

Do you recommend connecting with a Registered Dietician or Nutritionist?

Activity and exercise

What needs to be done before starting an exercise program?

What types of activities and exercises are best for:

What activities or exercises should be avoided?

When should blood sugar be checked during exercise?

Should my loved one eat before or during exercise?

Do medications need to be adjusted with exercise?

What should they have with them when they exercise?

How should diabetes be handled when traveling?

Medications and therapies

How often should blood sugar be checked?

How often should blood pressure be checked?

How often should A1c, cholesterol, and kidney function be checked?

How do you decide which medications to prescribe (oral agents versus insulin), and why did you choose them?

How, specifically, will we know if the medicines are working?

Should my loved one have a Glucagon emergency kit at home/on hand?

Should they get a medical alert bracelet or pendant?

Do you recommend connecting with a Diabetes Educator?

What other healthcare appointments should we make and how often? (eyes, feet, dental)


How is a proper foot exam conducted, and how often?

How are pedal (foot) pulses checked?

What concerns are found on a foot exam and who should be called? (PCP, podiatrist)

Is it okay for us to trim toenails?

What type of shoes and socks should be worn?In case of illness

What should my loved one eat or drink? What should they avoid eating or drinking?

Should medication adjustments be made?

How often should blood sugar be checked?

Are there special concerns with vomiting or diarrhea?

When should we call a provider? An ambulance?


If diabetes is properly managed, can we avoid complications in the future, or should we expect some complications regardless? If so, what?


American Diabetes Association (ADA) - Medications & Treatments

ADA - Treatment & Care

ADA - Your Healthcare Team

ADA - 2023 Standards of Care



Mt. Sinai

No content in this app, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

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Helpful is an app to make caregiving easier. We integrate your loved one’s insurance benefits, medical records and caregiving guides into an immediate, accessible and user-friendly experience. Helpful supports your care needs by eliminating administrative tasks and providing technology to support your caregiving experience.
