Dementia, Questions for the Provider

Questions will need to be asked more than once over the course of dementia progression. Use this list to make the most of your loved one's appointments.

Dementia Questions for the Provider

Helpful Highlights

  • Write down questions a few days in advance to make sure all concerns are included.

  • Do not limit yourself to these questions; ask others as you think of them.

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If your loved one has been diagnosed with dementia, you will likely have a lot of questions. Your first resource should be the healthcare team, as they can help navigate any confusion or uncertainty. Asking the most relevant questions will help you know what to anticipate and how to take action.

Use this list to help prepare questions for the provider ahead of time. This will help you make the most of your loved one's next appointment.

Diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment

What type of dementia does my loved one have, and what stage?

How is it different from other types of dementia?

What caused the dementia?

Is dementia genetic; can it be inherited?

What is the likely course of decline? How fast will it happen?

What is my loved one's life expectancy with dementia?

What symptoms, other than memory loss, can we expect?

Can dementia cause pain or other suffering?

What treatment options are available?

What can we do to slow the decline?

Are the supplements and programs advertised that claim to cure Alzheimer's legitimate? (Coral calcium, Omega-3s, ginkgo biloba, vitamin E, Co-Q 10, and other supplements, as well as "brain games" and various smart device apps.)

Are there any clinical trials you would recommend?

What type of specialists should we see?

Safety and care

Are there ways that I can help my loved one remember things around the home?

How should I talk with my loved one as they are losing and when they have lost their memory?

What is the best way to react when the person I am caring for becomes confused, hard to manage, or does not sleep well?

What should I do if the person I am caring for wanders around?

How can I keep the person I am caring for from hurting themselves around the house?

What type of diet should they be on?



Alzheimer's Association

Mt. Sinai

Van Hook, M. (2020, January 15). Making a dementia care plan: 10 questions to ask your doctor. The Arbor Company. Link

Verywell Health

No content in this app, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

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Helpful is an app to make caregiving easier. We integrate your loved one’s insurance benefits, medical records and caregiving guides into an immediate, accessible and user-friendly experience. Helpful supports your care needs by eliminating administrative tasks and providing technology to support your caregiving experience.
