What it is
World Immunization Week was first established in 2012 by the World Health Organization (WHO) to promote vaccination as a powerful tool to protect people of all ages against the spread of diseases. The week-long campaign aims to raise awareness about the importance of immunization and to encourage the use of vaccines to prevent illness and save lives.
The establishment of World Immunization Week reflects the global commitment to immunization as a fundamental public health intervention. By dedicating a specific week to focus on immunization, WHO and its partners seek to highlight the benefits of vaccines, address vaccine hesitancy, and promote equitable access to vaccination services worldwide.
During World Immunization Week, various activities are organized by governments, health organizations, and communities worldwide to raise awareness about the importance of immunization and to highlight the achievements made in global vaccination efforts.
The specific themes and focus areas for World Immunization Week vary from year to year, depending on current global health priorities and challenges. However, the overarching goal remains to increase vaccination coverage and ensure that everyone has access to life-saving vaccines.
In 2024, World Immunization Week continues to emphasize the importance of vaccination in preventing infectious diseases and reducing the burden of vaccine-preventable illnesses worldwide. It also aims to address any emerging challenges or gaps in immunization coverage, with a particular focus on reaching underserved populations and increasing vaccine acceptance.
Helpful Guides on immunization/vaccines
Helpful has a series of Guides on immunizations that include flu, pneumococcal, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), herpes zoster (shingles), and Hepatitis B.