APRIL 2, 2025 ONLY: National Walking Day *STILL NEEDS WRITTEN

Hold for National Walking Day 2025

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Helpful app simplifies family caregiving by combining your loved one’s insurance benefits and medical records into one user-friendly platform while enhancing your caregiving skills

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Walking is one of the most versatile forms of exercise, because you can do it just about anytime, anywhere. These tips will help you get your walk on at the right time for you.

Fit in Walking Morning, Noon or Night

Why is Walking the Most Popular Form of Exercise?

Research has shown that walking at a lively pace at least 150 minutes a week can help you:

  • Think better, feel better and sleep better.

  • Reduce your risk of serious diseases like heart disease, stroke, diabetes and several types of cancer.

  • Improve your blood pressure, blood sugar and blood



  • Increase your energy

    and stamina.

  • Improve your mental and emotional well-being and and reduce risk of depression.

  • Improve memory and reduce your risk of dementia.

  • Boost bone strength and reduce your risk of osteoporosis.

  • Prevent weight gain


If 150 minutes sounds like a lot, remember that even short activity sessions can be added up over the week to reach this goal. And it’s easy to fit in a few minutes of walking a several times a day.

About us

Helpful is an app to make caregiving easier. We integrate your loved one’s insurance benefits, medical records and caregiving guides into an immediate, accessible and user-friendly experience. Helpful supports your care needs by eliminating administrative tasks and providing technology to support your caregiving experience.

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